Bub's brother Ryan and his family were sealed in the Las Vegas temple. It was one of the coolest experiences I've ever been able to be a part of. We love you guys! This is a picture of all the grand kids with G&G Longenecker.

My parents and sister came to Las Vegas and helped us get settled and watched the girls while Bub and I were able to go to the temple. Thanks so much for your help and support. We love you guys! My sister wanted to go to the strip and see the water show. (That is what is behind us)

We have now been in Henderson for 1 1/2 weeks. It really is a nice place and has it's own kind of beauty. We already miss the mountains and the nice night breeze. It gets pretty windy here but it doesn't cool you down it just feels like a heater is blowing right in your face. Anyway, when we moved in we had our internet, phone, and cable hooked up. The cable guy was black which Hailey must of thought was pretty weird. Why? Well, 1 week later I took her to this cool park with water toys everywhere. And the best part is that it's all free. I guess that is the kind of parks you get when it's over 100% consistently. Anyway, I was telling Hailey that we needed to get some sunscreen on. And this is how it went down.
Hailey: I hate sunscreen
Me: Hailey, you need it so you don't get burned.
Hailey: Pointing to some families around us says, " Okay, I don't want the sun to burn me and turn me black like that guy who came to our house and like all of those people huh?"
Me: spraying the sunscreen on and totally embarrassed, "Okay, now go play with your little friend."