     I found this letter on the computer tonight.
Dear  Mia I love you very  much. Even  though  we fight so much.     I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.
Children you melt my heart!
     Hailey has been taking swimming lessons at the Troy Community Pool.  Today I was blow drying her hair after her lessons and there was a tampon dispenser right by her.  I guess the had been looking at the little picture on the front of the dispenser when she said, " Oh, is this where you can buy fuzzy pencils."  I was laughing so hard inside but trying to keep a straight face and told her, "It's just for girls when they get older."  She was happy with that answer for the time being.

We were riding in the car when Hailey told me with tears in her eyes that she feels like something is missing from her life.  I asked her a few questions to see if we could figure it out.  Then she told me, " I think it's a pet, like a dog.  I just really want to take care of one."  I could tell she was holding back the tears as much as possible. So I squeezed her little leg and told her, " Hailey, look at me.  You will have a dog someday, okay.  Not right now but someday, I promise."    She stopped shaking from trying not to cry and the sweetest smile came across her face, and she simply said, "okay."

It was so sweet.  The girl has been wanting a dog for almost 7 years now.  I sure hope we can make this happen in the near future before she graduates from High School and moves away. :)

 Hailey had her first soccer game of the season yesterday.  She is on a new team called the Black Panthers and a friend from her Red Rock Rattlers Team that Bub coached is playing with her this season.  All the girls are getting taller.  Its fun to watch them maturing in the game of soccer.  You can literally see them using their minds a lot more in their play.  Yesterday, when Hailey was on the field she would pop her knuckles a lot and you could see her thinking a lot more about plays and what is happening compared to just running around where ever the ball goes.  She did great.  Her asthma bugged her a bit but she took an inhaler and worked hard on the field.  She is a fighter and I love that girl.


Hailey Amor Longenecker
I got my name because it was a cute name. 
 It says love in Spanish and my Grandma speaks Spanish.

My nicknames are monkey face,
pumpkin face,
and the one I want people to call me is Flutter Shine.

My birthday is on December 18th, 2004.
I was born in a hospital in Logan.

My favorite game is playing My Little Pony.

Life seems to be flying by at a faster pace everyday. I have been wanting to capture the cute and sweet moments we have with both of our girls and write down the funny, crazy, cute, and silly things they say.  I have been trying to figure out how, where, and when I should write these things down.  So here it is, the perfect spot to keep these memories forever- our family blog.  I'm excited to be able to add these sweet moments onto our blurb scrapbooks at the end of every year- so here we go.

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