February 11 2014

Bub and I were headed to bed when we heard Mia crying in bed.  We went to see what was wrong and she said, " I just want to adopt.  I really want a baby brother."
Mia wants to be a big sister so bad.  I hope one day that wish will come true.

February 1 2014

Mia told me a really cute story today.  Mia said, "Mom, one time I was in Dad's office and I saw a Kit Kat Bar and I couldn't handle it anymore because Kit Kats are my favorite.  So, I said a prayer to help me not eat it."

I was telling Mia that tomorrow we are going to have dinner with her friend Brooklynn's family.  She said, "Yay, I am so excited then we can play our favorite game-Poker."  So, I asked her what poker was and she said we run around and poke each other and then we have to freeze.  LOL

March 21 2013

Today Mia asked me who my favorite soccer player is.  I told Daddy is my favorite soccer player.  She responded with, "My favorite is Chelsey actually and USA."  Bub was pretty proud.

March 18 2013

Tonight our family night was about our Savior's resurrection.  We  watched a little video from the church about this topic and at the end of the movie Hailey had tears streaming down her face.  It was so sweet and sad at the same time to see Hailey be touched by what the Savior sacrificed for all of us.  Mia told her, "I know where Jesus is.  He's with Grandpa."  Sweet sweet girls.  Oh how I love them and their growing testimonies.

February 28 2013

Mia and I were in the van driving to Speech Therapy when Mia said, "Mom, I love going grocery shopping.  And the Dollar Store is my favorite store ever because that is the only store you will buy us anythings from."  

So true :)

February, 7 2013

Mia has been asking a lot about her Grandpa Dan lately.  We were on our way home in the car the other day, when Mia asked, "Mom, if I die will I go to heaven like Grandpa?"  I told she would and then would be able to give Grandpa a big hug.  Then she said, " No, I wouldn't  do that.  I would grab his hand and bring him back home."

It was such a sweet moment. And I thought, if only she knew that home is where Grandpa is she may understand a little more.  But from her sweet perspective all she wants is her Grandpa back home.  She wouldn't even waist any time with a hug she would get to work and do what needs to be done in her little mind.

Someday we will all understand, why Grandpa had to leave us so soon.  But it is a blessing to know that he is cheering us on and always with us.

Life seems to be flying by at a faster pace everyday. I have been wanting to capture the cute and sweet moments we have with both of our girls and write down the funny, crazy, cute, and silly things they say.  I have been trying to figure out how, where, and when I should write these things down.  So here it is, the perfect spot to keep these memories forever- our family blog.  I'm excited to be able to add these sweet moments onto our blurb scrapbooks at the end of every year- so here we go.

1 comment:

tere said...

I'm positive that Grandpa is close and from time to time the girls will feel of his love.