Bub did it; he finished his first semester of Medical School! How many does he have left? We just don't think about that question. Bub did not have to study this weekend so we had a fun filled weekend as a family and with some friends.

We took the girls on a "Santa train ride" in little Boulder city ( 5 min. away) It was not the "Heber Creeper" but it was a lot of fun.

Just before we were returning to the train station Santa and Mrs. Clause showed up! Hailey liked Mrs. Clause but did not really like Santa.

Mia loved pulling on Santa's beard.

Mia loves her tongue.

I was sneaky and got a picture of this train guy. He looks awesome and fits the part completely! He is like straight from a movie.

My girls!

Here we are, on our way to board the train!

We went to a Christmas party with our med school friends who husbands were all able to hang out now. The kids decorated this ginger bread house. They did awesome!

Happy birthday to Hailey and Asher!!!