What do I love most? Cuddling with my babes- Bub, Hay, and Mia! I love this picture! I know some of Mia's toes are hiding but I love it anyway! We had a picture just like this when we lived in Logan without Mia so it had to be updated.

It has been beautiful outside so the girls and I went to a county museum. It reminded me a lot of Utah history museums with old homes to walk through and trains to climb on. Anyway, we all had fun being outside and Hailey got to run around so it was great!

What is her arm doing? Such a little posing queen!

Imagine that, Hailey found a horse. She is our horse girl.

Today I decided to finally get my camera out and shoot. I don't know why but I haven't done this in a really long time. I forgot what I was missing-I love taking pictures. I think the break did Hailey good because she was coming up with all sorts of poses and places to take pics. Yeah-I'm going to have to take advantage of this.

My little Mia. This girl loves to be outdoors. She really is a good girl anyways but you will never see her cry if she is out under the sky.

I love flowers! Thank you Bub!