We just celebrated our 7th Anniversary! We got to spend the whole day together, we went hiking at Red Rock (with Mia), went to the temple, dinner and a magic show on the strip. The best part was just getting to hang out with each other.

I love this man-he really is my best friend! We told Hailey that we would not be home until late that night because we were going on a date, and the girl lost it. "A Date, a date, what does that even mean, why can't I come? I don't want to have a babysitter, why do you get to go somewhere with out us. This is dumb." Which just let us know maybe we should plan on dates a little more often-it was great!

Mia loves the outdoors!

These girls are hilarious. Not only do they make me and Bub laugh, they do crazy things, dance moves, funny faces, etc. to make each other fall over with laughter.

Hailey has decided what to be for Halloween. Every day after school this is what Hailey puts on.

Mia loves the camera too, who would have guessed.


Hailey started her first season of soccer, and she loves it. She is actually pretty good for a 5 year old. This Saturday is there first game so we will see how it goes. So far, this has been a great sport for our family. We all know Bub played soccer and is a crazy soccer fan, especially for Real Salt Lake. I played soccer too, Bub and I are both left footed and guess what-so is Hailey! Hailey has loved soccer practice and plays hard and then comes home and sleeps great! So, once again-I love that she is playing soccer:)

Hailey's first day of school!