I have amazing parents. I feel very lucky and blessed!
I have had so many great times and learning moments from my parents. My Dad was busy with work and his church callings but always took time for us. He would play the piano with me, sing with me, teach us to ski on water and snow, play, boat, talk with me for hours and hours about whatever I wanted or needed to talk about. My Dad shared his testimony with me daily by his words and works. I LOVE MY DAD! He is one of my greatest examples of someone I want to be like. He loves my Mom, our family, his Savior and Heavenly Father. He was a leader at home and at church who taught us every second he could about the gospel and how to love and care for each other.
I am so grateful to have him as my Dad. I am so grateful that my girls get to have him as a Grandpa.
I want to live a life like my Dad did. Full of love, life, and laughter.
A life dedicated to the Lord.
A life to be very proud of.
A life surrounded by people that I serve, people that I love.
A life surrounded by people who love me too.
I want to live a life so that when my time on earth is done, my Savior will embrace me and say, "Well done."
I want to live a life that will make me be happy and grateful and comfortable when I meet my maker, my Father in Heaven; just like my Dad did.
I have wanted to post about my sweet Dad for so long. I love this man! I am so grateful for the 28 years I was able to spend with him on earth.
I do wish we had more time to make more memories. But I am so glad for all the great memories I do have.
Although our earthly experience is just a small amount of time, it is of huge importance in the plan of salvation that our Heavenly Father has for us. It is an odd thought to think that my Dad's time here on earth is done, he has been through his earthly trial. My Dad is now on the other side.
I feel happy for him. It is such a great blessing to know my Dad is now free of his body. Everyday I think about my Dad and I picture him happy, free of cancer, and serving the Lord yet again.
I will never take for granted the blessings of the temple in my family's life.
I am so glad to know I will see my Dad again, that we can be a family forever.
I have never felt my heart hurt so much as it has the past few months. I miss my Dad- I love him.
My girls will get their Grandpa back soon.
The greatest thing I have learned is that prayer is real. And that every day that I pray to feel close to my Dad, I am blessed by feeling my Dad close by.
I know my Dad prayed for me, my siblings, and my Mom all the time, he wanted the best for us, he was concerned for our happiness.
Now that my Dad is on the other side, I am sure he has a different perspective as a parent and spouse. I know my Dad still prays for us, that he still wants what is best for us, and that he still wants us to be happy.
And I feel his prayers.
I am grateful for our time we spent together here, and I look forward to being together as a family for eternity.
Good times- I will never forget. Many more to come our way. Our family will continue to grow and we will all be grateful to my Dad and Mom for all they gave and continue to give to us. Our children and our children's children, will know what a great man and Grandpa you are, and be grateful to you.
I have had a favorite scripture ever since I was in young women's. It is,
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. [Ecclesiastes 3:1]
Thank you Dad, for all the memories, love and support you give me. I am so amazed by the courage you have. You still helped the family get through every hard moment we saw you go through. You always had your sweet smile on. Thank you for waiting for me to get by your side, to give you one last hug! before you left. It means the world to me!
I know that the heart ache I feel is but for a season. I will always miss you Dad, I know I will see you again and that you will be smiling and happy. I can't wait to put my arms around you and give you a big hug again. I love you forever!