Sunday, December 2, 2012

Success- I win!

                                                                Success- I win!
 Hailey has been going to a new school this year called Pine Crest Academy.  She has some awesome friends from our ward that go to school there too.  Lucky for me, we get to carpool and it's the best thing ever.  Little Mia thinks she is a park of the big girl crowd.  It makes her happy so we let her think she is big.  These girls like to have play dates after school on Fridays so they are still in school clothes.  They look adorable.  I love having my home full of kids, it's a great feeling and my girls love it! 
 Oh how I love this girl!  She melts my heart everyday and says the funniest things.  Recently Mia decided she was done with her baby blanket.  The blanket had seen much better days and was barely hanging together.  Mia walked up to me one day and said, "I want to put my blanky in the garbage."  So I took advantage of the moment and we put it in the big garbage outside.  She was happy for a few days until she decided she wanted it back.  Then she adopted her lamb and now "Lamby" goes everywhere with Mia.

On Veteran's day we all went to the Nellis Air Force Base for an amazing air show.  We loved it. 
 Hailey loved the tricks the airplanes were doing.  We both got scared a few time that the planes were going to crash.  I feel like this little lady is a fun friend now and she is growing up so so fast.  I used to be sad that she is not a toddler anymore but now she is so much fun in a whole new way.  We love our Hailey!

 Hailey at her end of the season soccer party.    Half of the girls on this team used to be on Hailey's team last season that Bub coached.  It has been fun to see them all grow so much.  Watching Hailey play soccer is so much fun.  She is a talented and smart player and her movements are looking more natural.  She is pretty awesome!
                                      Oh yes, and Mia always thought she was on the team too.

 Thanksgiving was a fun time.  Bub's parents came down and we all had Thanksgiving up at his brother's home in  North Vegas.  Then the next day my Mom, Bruce and Austie come down to visit us.  It was so awesome to have everyone here.  We also got an awesome gift from my Mom- a piano.  Hailey is excited to learn how to play the piano and I am hoping to relearn.  I am so excited to have music in our home once again.
It's that time of year and I love it.  I love seeing the girls so excited about Christmas.  They can barely hold in their excitement when we go to a store and there is a Salvation Army donation bucket.  They get a kick out of telling complete strangers Merry Christmas.  I am so happy to be blessed with my family here on earth and up in heaven.  I'm so thankful for our Savior, and the gospel.  I am counting my blessings........