Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Color Run

 I am so happy that Hailey and I got to do The Color Run together.  It was so much fun watching Hailey and to see how much she loved it.  Hailey decided that she should wear he swim goggles so she would be able to see the whole way through the race.  Hailey was jumping up and down as we waited for the race to start, she could hardly wait.
 Yum- colored corn starch right in the mouth.
 At the end of the race, Mia got to have some fun too.  We took her into the dance pit where we threw colored corn starch up in the air.  She loved it.  Look at her face, it is pure joy.
 We saw the Tregaskie's at the race too.
 I love these girls and all of the adventures I get to do with them and Bub.

 She did it! Hailey completed her 1st 5k andshe had a smile all the way to the finish line!

I hope this is the first of many fun races together.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

     Life seems to be flying by at a faster pace everyday. I have been wanting to capture the cute and sweet moments we have with both of our girls and write down the funny, crazy, cute, and silly things they say.  I have been trying to figure out how, where, and when I should write these things down.  So here it is, the perfect spot to keep these memories forever- our family blog.  I'm excited to be able to add these sweet moments onto our blurb scrapbooks at the end of every year- so here we go.