"Life isn't about getting through the storms, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
Friday, February 29, 2008
Two pairs of sunglasses
A dentist bill
One old checkbook without anymore checks in it
One new checkbook with checks in it
A bunch of pictures I picked up from Sam's club
Hand sanitizer
A monthly planner
Keys ( I don't know what they go to, truly they are in my purse from when Hailey was a baby and I would give them to her to play with):
Asthma medicine
A piece of a puzzle ( I put things in my purse when I find them and I'm away from home so they won't get lost, they just never make it out of my purse).
WIC packet
Pay stub
2 hair pins
A Dora the Explorer hair elastic
nursing scissors
And the best part, a ticket from some Logan Police man for not stopping all the way at a stop sign at 5am after I got off a bad night at work.
The next best part, I've got to get going to work right now so all of this stuff just went back into the black hole, my purse.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Hailey gave herself a haircut!

Cute Girl!

Hailey's many faces!

Saturday, February 9, 2008
Tag You Are It!
1. I love projects! Bub would be supprised if he came home one day and I wasn't up to some sort of project. I know I get this from my Mom . I have a friend who ownes a wood shop, so we are always thinking of stuff to make. I'm always moving furniture in our apartment around and changing colors in different rooms. So of course I really appreaciated my Micheal's gift card from Tom and Sandra. Thank You!
2. I love to watch Hailey when she has no clue I am around. She is almost always in her own little world, pretending she is wearing amazing pricess dresses. Watching her makes me smile. Sometimes we will be playing and I'll tell her I have to go and do something just so I can turn around and watch her play make-believe. It's cute.
3. I always have to have something sweet before I go to bed. Bad habit I know, but really it makes me happy!
4. I love to scrapbook. It takes me so long to get all my scrapbook stuff out and organize that by the time I get it all out, my will to scrapbook is gone. Then I put it all away so the little one around here does not get in to it. So really I guess I should say it's habit for me to get my scrapbook stuff out and never do anything with it.
5. I love take hot and I mean hot showers, especially in the winter. Sometimes I take two a day. Habit!
6. I guess I dance whenever any music is on. This includes in odd places like during a movie at the theaters, resturants, nice bathrooms that play music in them, elevators, etc...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Girls Trip!
Yeah, so there were birds all over the place and it looks like one decided to poo on me. Needless to say, I had to get in the cold water and wash off. I guess it's all part of the experience huh.
Here is my cute friend Addy. She just chilled out on the sand looking oh so cute.
Like I said, it was a beautiful day!
What can I say, it was a great time. Thanks ladies! We'll have to do this again sometime.
My Mommy Graduated!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Christmas with Cousins
Christmas in Virginia!

Our Christmas trip to Virginia started on a drive to Las Vegas with Kory and Mary. We flew out of the Vegas airport. Hailey was so excited. We had been talking about going on a airplane ride to Grandma's house far far away (Virginia) and now it was time. Hailey did great on the airplane. I (Danielle) was a little nervous about her sitting still for so long but it was not even a problem. She was my little sweetheart.
"Yeah, I love ridding on airplanes."
Hailey had so much fun playing with her cousins, aunts, uncles, Grandma, and Grandpa.
Hailey liked to play at the park across the street from Grandma's home.
Hailey and Alissa were always hanging out. Hailey had a lot of fun with you Alissa!

"Baby Kate" (Hailey says "baby" before kids names) and Hailey with cute yet dirty ice cream faces. OHHHHH, what cute girls!
This charming ice cream shop had two Christmas back drops that we took advantage of. Oh yes, we all had fun! Smile Hailey, Santa is coming to Grandma Sandra's home soon.
Alissa and Danielle- just being funny!
Hailey is ridding a rocking horse at the ice cream shop---and oh so cerious!
Santa really did not want the married children to sit on his lap, so we all pilled into his sleigh andand took some pictures of our own.
Christmas Eve--- It's not Christmas Eve without the Nativity. We had Mary, Joseph and a wise man all in Grandma's living room. Oh, and baby Jesus-mini mouse.
After getting to watch the nativity we spent some time around Grandma Sandra's grand piano. Talent filled the room that night. Alan sang to us while Sandra played the piano beautifully. She did amazing especially since she has a broken back. Jennie played her french horn for us and we even heard Alissa and Bethany sing, and Logan played his "tuba- what Hailey calls it" trombone.
During the musical talent we had some "silly faces" appear. Max and Hailey were having fun running in circles right in the middle of all the talent. They stold the show! Love you two!
Did that night ever end? I don't think so. Guitar Hero was played way into the night, or was it the morning.
Bub and his Grandma Lillian on Christmas morning.
Say Cheeeeeeeeeeese! Merry Christmas everyone!
Hailey and Kate practicing their talent on Grandma's grand. So Cute!

While we were in Virginia we celebrated Aunt Kristen's 16th birthday and Hailey's 3rd birthday.
Time to say goodbye! We love you guys and can't wait to see you all again!

The Whole Longenecker Family!