Hailey helped me make this cake. She was so proud of it she did not want anyone to eat it, except her of course.

Just a closer view of Hailey's cake decorating skills she must of picked them up from Grandma Tere. Hailey wanted the piece of cake that is in the middle with all of the decorations. Yum-yum. Good work Hailey.

Hailey's eye were really really blue when she was younger. Now they are going green. Wierd!

Hailey laughs at the funniest stuff. I can only catch her smiling on camera when she isn't paying any attention to me.

When she does know what I'm wanting she gives me this look and says, "Mom no pictures today! The cute girl used to smile at the camera but when she gets pictures done everyday from her mommy I guess this is what happens. "Mom, go away, not today."
Hailey's many faces!
1 comment:
What a crack up- she just loves the camera. As for the eye thing- when I was younger I had blue eyes and somewhere along the way they have become more Hazely-green and less blue. I don't have a clue why that happens!
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