One of my goals for this year was to finally learn how to cook more than a weeks worth of meals for my family. Most people who know me are aware that cooking is not one of my talents. I have had some success which helps me push myself to reach my goal. I even made a book full of three months worth of meals and a grocery list to go with each week. I pinpointed that I don't enjoy cooking because when I try to make something I realize I am missing an ingredient. Hopefully my book can help me overcome my lack of creativity in the kitchen. It has been going okay however within the last two days I have had 0% success in the kitchen. My mom gave me this really easy bread recipe so I decided I would try it. Turns out while the bread was baking I was finishing laundry, bathing Hailey, and trying to decide where to hang a self. Yep, I forgot I was even making bread. I don't like to waist things including my time ( hence this situation) so we tried to eat the bread. It was hard as a rock. Anyway, I decided I better start making dinner, just an easy pasta. While waiting for the water to heat, I went to my room to watch a small part of Dancing with the Stars. I looked over into my kitchen, smoke everywhere. I ran in there right when I saw my burner spark into a flame. No worries the apartment did not burn down. I smothered the fire and it was out. Anyway today Hailey wanted to make cookies. We made peanut butter cookies and yes they burnt too. So tonight for dinner, pizza it is! 

That is hysterical!!! You crack me up, but most of all, you made me miss you guys all the more!!
Tuesday night was pizza night!! We scarfed down pizza as we watched The Biggest Loser!
Keep trying, you'll get better each time. Don't start with bread. That can be pretty tricky. Let us know when something works well. We'll celebrate your success with you!
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