The weather has advanced from snowy weather two weeks ago to raining off and on. So in the off moments we have been playing at the park (Hailey's favorite place besides her Grandparents home.)

Our Tuesday nights usually consist of going to the Young Womens and Young Mens activities but two weeks ago when Bub and I were about to leave someone knocked on the door. It was Jaymes!, We were so excited to see him and he got to stay with us for a couple of days. It turned out to be the perfect week for him to come because Bub was able to get away from work and we all got to hang out. Thanks for coming to see us Jaymes!

It actually happened! Bub was released from his primary calling that he has had for 4 1/2 years. He really loved being in primary and said he could stay there forever but it looks like Heavenly Father has a different plan for him. Bub has now been called to serve in the young mens presidency. And guess what? His cute primary kids from the past are now in young men's with him. And now he loves being in young mens.
My Dad has a month off of treatments so now he is able to travel outside of the valley. My mom and Dad were able to come up to see us and they stayed for the weekend. It was so nice to get to have them up here again. We had a lot of fun. We went on the river walk, went to the Summer Fest, went to good old Cafe Sabor and just hung out. It was awesome! I know my parents and family have a lot going on these day but my parents are so awesome and they took Hailey home with them for the week so I could go to girls camp! Bub was able to come up to camp for one day as our priesthood leader. I am so glad he was there. He really helped get our camp up and put together.

Yes our faces are painted. In our skit we were ducks, thus the face painting.

We played games and games and more games. We had tons of fun!

Any yes Bub even played these games with the girls. They loved having him there to tease and play pranks on.

Quack Quack Quack. Girls, you did so great, our skit was for sure the best.

There is a tradition in our ward to play a certain game at girls camp every year. It is musical chairs but the last person that is left standing has to go to this box and grab an article of clothing out of it without looking and put it on. We play this until all the ugly clothes are gone and then we take crazy pictures. And it turns out that it is a dangerous game, mostly because my girls are all very competitive. So anyway, this is our crazy picture. I love you all girls! I am so glad that you came to camp with me and we got to share many experiences together. Keep in touch!
I love summer time in Logan. There really is so much to do. One of our favorite things to do is hang out with friends and family in the great outdoors. Here we are enjoying some sunshine with our friends.
Love the new look for your blog. You'll have to give me some pointers! I didn't know Jaymes had come for a visit. Sounds like you've had a fun few weeks.
So cute- looks like you had a great time at camp.... I don't know half of them. Hailey looks really cute and getting so big. I love the last picture...whoever took that one is really good at taking pictures. hee hee
I was never a fan of girl's camp, but yours sounded fun!! I love the pictures of Hailey, I can't believe she has gotten so big. We really need to get Ellie and Hailey together...but we'll wait until Ellie is no longer a leper.
Hooray for all the pictures! Hailey is growing up way too fast...and you and Bub are such a blessing to the young adults in your ward. You two are their favorite leaders, I'm sure!
You would be the BEST Camp Leader at Girls camp! Looks like you had fun. I love the pictures of Hailey they are so adorable!
oh my gosh those are some of the cutest pictures of Hailey! I love the one with her head sticking out of the slide! How are you guys! We are going to be in Logan next Thursday through Monday. If you guys are in town we should get the kids together!
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