1. For sure, my number one joy is my fam. I love getting with Bub and Hailey and of course the extended family on both sides. Speaking of, today my sister and parents are coming to town for the fireworks and fun. And on Saturday I think we might get to see Kory and Mary. I'm so excited!
2. Friends! We love you all and really you should be included into number one.
3. Everyone who knows me would say I love the summer sun! I know it's pretty up there to make #3 on my list but hey at least it is in that order, right?
1. I am claustrophobic. I haven't always been. It's kind of weird, it started when I was prego with Hailey. I'm not completely crazy about it. I can be in a auditorium that's filled with people and places like that. It's just tight spaces, like in a cave or when I'm sleeping and the blankets are to tight around me and yes, Bub likes to play tricks on me to see me freak out. He thinks its so funny.
2. I am scared of being lost in the wilderness and never being found.
3. CLOWNS! I have hated clowns since that movie with the red headed mean child that destroys a little girls b-day party. You know it plays that song, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to." Anyway, its and old movie, I hope someone knows what I am talking about. The boy has a really scary clown room.
1. I want to be a good Mom. I grew up with a great Mom and I think mom's make a huge difference in children's lives.
2. I definitely want to continue on my endeavor of learning to cook.
3. And read my scriptures daily.
1. Blurb. I am so excited about blurb and tell everyone I know about it. You can turn you blog into a book, and then add as many pictures as you want to it. I add some journal entries. And then you get it in a hard back book. All in one, journal and scrapbook. It's so cool. You can make any kind of book you want too.
2. Photography, of course. I am always trying new things and finding new places to take pictures. I love to learn more and more about my camera.
3. Lately, I have been making flower clips to put in little girl headbands or just in their hair. I love it and Hailey loves to help me. When ever Bub comes in to see what we are up to, Hailey tells him, " It's just for girls Dad."
1. I hate exercising in a gym. It is one of the only places I do not feel any determination or even will to workout. I do love to exercise outdoors. This is why the winter months here are hard on me. I try to go to the gym in the winter and end up staying for the hour but really probably only burned 100 cal. just walking around.
2. I love to garden, not everything, just flowers. I have loved working on flower gardens since I was 8 years old. When I was younger and we had to pick chores for the day. I alway picked to weed the flower garden, or water the flowers, etc... We don't really have a yard for this but we have 4 pots that I like to baby. And I help my Mom baby her flowers too.
3. When I was little, my dream was to be a Marine Biologist and to work at Sea World and really just be a dolphin trainer.
I tag Jennie, Katy, Brooke