Wow, half of July is over and I feel like summer has only begun. The 2nd & 3rd are the big celebration days in Cache Valley. My parents, Liza and her friend Morgan came up to Logan to enjoy the fun with us. We went to the coolest BBQ party in Hyrum where there was a ton of fun, shade, kids (for Hailey to play with), and activities for all ages. Then we went and watched fire works. Hailey loved fireworks this year. On the 3rd we went to the fireworks show at USU. That was even more fun. We meet there with all of our friends and family. It was tons of fun to get to spend time together. Thanks Family for coming up!!! We also got to hang out with Kory and Marianne, or Koryanne ( what Hailey calls them.) Okay, so Logan is kind of weird and we have a night were people "drag main st." And then people put out chairs on the sidewalks to watch like it is some kind of parade. There were people even hot tubbing on main st. Weird I know. So guess what we did? Bub and Kory were sitting in the front of the car, with us girls in the back. They turned on some Mexican music, rolled down the windows and were bobbing their heads all the way up main st. It was pretty funny! Thanks for coming up to see us! Maren and Shaun came up too. We went up the canyon and roasted hot dogs. It was fun, except for the mosquitoes.

The Wallentine Family Reunion!
Bub's extended family goes to Bear Lake for a week every summer. We were so excited to be able to go for a day and see everyone. It was tons of fun.

Someone had made a sand couch and TV. It was pretty cool! Of course the weather felt awesome up there, turns out Bub and I got sun burned. I even blistered. So much for being a Mexican. Ha ha ha!

Hailey loved playing on the beach!

We went out on the boat with Steve and Jeff and I got to water ski and Bub got to wake board. It was sooooo fun. I miss boating and water sports so bad. But wow, I am so out of shape. I got up every time but could only last a couple of minutes until my back and legs started to give out. Hailey kept on saying that it was her turn to ski. That is my fearless little girl. We stopped the boat for a little break on the water and Hailey jumped right out. Thank goodness for life jackets. When we got back to the beach, Pat and Paul were about to take the kids on a water weenie (sp?) ride. So Hailey jumped on the tube and they took off. It was so funny because the screams were amazing and behind all of the screams you could hear Hailey saying "Faster, Faster."

Hailey and her playmates for the day! Thanks to all the Wallentine's for sharing your shade with us. Love ya all!
Wow what a fun vacation! It looks like you guys had so much fun! Scott just got a job offer in Logan and we are coming down on the 25th to check it out to see if we want it. So if we do we will have to get the kids together all the time!
I am homesick when I see pics of the family reunion in Bear Lake. Maybe we'll get there next year. Sorry you all got burned.
I am homesick when I see pics of the family reunion in Bear Lake. Maybe we'll get there next year. Sorry you all got burned.
hey thanks for the invite...j/k looks like tons of fun! thanks so much for calling me yesturday, loved hanging with you. you are such a sweet and wonderful person. sometimes i just need a call to get off of the couch and get going. love ya
Hey Danielle,
I just read your comment on our blog. It's good to hear from you. It's hard to keep up with everyone when you start having kids. They seem to steal all of your spare time. You have a beautiful daughter. She looks just like you. Hope your dad is doing good. Keep in touch.
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