Bub went camping with the Young men this last weekend to Bear Lake so my brothers decided to come up to Logan to stay with me and Hailey. We went to 30 min. of the rodeo and then left after we decided that we might die. After the rodeo had started a really bad rain and lightning storm had started. We sat through it thinking it was kind of fun until the rodeo announcer started cutting out due to the lightning and then it got really uncomfortable. We realized we were all sitting on metal bleachers and that if lightning hit one of us we would all get zapped. So we started home. This is a picture of us dripping wet, I mean
soaked to the bone by the time we reached my apartment. It was kind of fun though. I love rain storms!!!

Hailey rock climbing! She saw Bruce and Sam climbing at the gym and had to try the real deal. Bruce and Sam keep on reminding me that if she starts climbing now, she could be a pro. by the time she is 13 years old!!!

We went to Tony's Grove up Logan Canyon. It was amazing and soooo beautiful!!! The water was crisp blue and we walked on the mile trail that surrounds the natural lake. I love being in the mountains.

Oh boy, what have I done! Let me tell you the story. So, I reserved a copy of the new vampire book,
Breaking Dawn at Hastings. They said that I could come and get it at 10-12pm. I showed up at 10pm and found out that was just when the party started. Yeah, it was kind of weird. There were girls dressed up in prom dressing looking like vampires and all sorts of weird stuff. Anyway, the books were not going to be given out until midnight. I had to work early the next morning and decided to just go home and then come back in two hours. I came home and told Bub the situation and guess what? He sent me to bed and he took Hailey to Hastings at midnight and waited in line for 1hr. for my vampire book. What a sweetheart! To top it off, Bub has been coming with me on my photo shoots and doing my lighting for me. I love it when he comes, we have a lot of fun together. Anyway, he has been really sweet lately, so I did it, I gave in. My hubby now has an XBOX. Just before we walked in the door with the XBOX I stopped Bub and told him, " Now remember, you love Hailey and me more than the XBOX, right? So wish me luck, I hope we did not just buy a widow maker!