It is so obvious when Hailey is tired. She rubs her ears when she is ready to hit the floor and fall asleep. The other night we were in the car going to get some really late dinner and I looked back at Hailey and her eyes were closed. I grabbed her legs and told her, "Hailey no sleeping until you eat some food, okay." She starts to talk with her eyes still closed and says, "Mom, see the sun in the sky, it's shinning in my eyes. That's why I have to keep my eyes closed because it's so really bright." I said, "Hailey, guess what? It's night time and the sun is not out" Okay so her first fib did not really work so she comes out with fib number two. "But Mom, she that red light over there, it is shinning in my eyes, that's why I have to keep my eyes closed." I looked down the road and about a 1/2 mile away, sure enough there is a red stop light. I turned to Hailey and said, "Hay hay, are you tired?" She said, " NO, I told you the lights are shinning in my eyes." I reminded her that we are not supposed to tell lies and we always tell the truth. And this is what she says, "Mom, Hailey is a good girl, I always tell the truth." "Really, what about the sun and red light stories you just said."
" But it's not a lie, I was just kidding!!!"

Hailey had her first day of dance today! It was so cute to watch all of the 3 & 4 yr. olds try to copy what their teachers were doing. Hailey is just a jabber mouth and would not stop talking to the other girls. The teachers kept telling her to face the front, to copy them, to stop talking. But in the end she was not the worst behaved kid. To bad she is so dang competitive and thinks that doing across-the-floors is a race. When it was her turn with two other girls she would just start sprinting across the floor. Oh, yeah and she let the other girls know that she was the winner by a lot. Maybe we should think about running, or soccer for her. We will see.
Happy 48th Birthday to my Dad!!!
Bub and I entered in some of our photography into the fair this year and guess what? I got a 1st and 2nd place ribbon. Bub got a 2nd place ribbon too! Yeah so um, it was a big win. Together we won $11.00!!! Pretty hot huh. Anyway, the experience was a ton of fun. We will definitely do it again.
that is so funny about the lieing. it just seems to be the stage. loved seeing your pictures ate the fair..they looked great and soo glad that you won!!! well get together here soon.
Congrats on your blue ribbon photography. Sorry your prize wasn't much bigger!
Funny story about the dance. She'll figure out what she's supposed to do after a few more weeks!
As for the lying thing. We are totally in that with Max too. I will ask him what he did at preschool and he says, "My teacher wasn't there so we all just took a nap". I know she was there because I took him to the room and saw her! So then I say "Is that the truth?" and he says" No" and then I can never get out of him what they really did! This lying thing must be a stage or something! By the way, what is Hailey's favorite color these days?
I love that she is in dance!! I wanted Ellie to do dance this year, but I think we might stick with gymnastics...we like short people!! :P
Ellie is telling fibs too...I'm glad that at least they are obvious, I'm hoping they will still be obvious when she is a teenager!! ugh.
Congrats on your photos day you guys will make bank with your photography skills!!
Those pics of Hailey are so cute. We live at Ivy village. Our address is 979 N 100 W #103. Fell free to stop anytime. Our number is 213-9085
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