Last weekend we went down to visit my family and I mean the whole whole Mexican clan. There was close to 50 people in my families home. It was awesome to get to see everyone, to bad I can't really talk to all of them. My Mama Tere and Papa Hector came to visit. We wish we could see them more often but we are happy for the moments we do get to have with them. My Grandpa kept talking to me in Spanish and I would just smile and laugh because I have no clue what he is saying. Hailey of course thought she could speak Spanish so she didn't have any problem. Kids are awesome- she didn't think that there was a problem with a language barrier, she always got her point across.

Today in church we had the primary program. So the kids are all taking their turn saying their lines with the help of their teachers. Hailey gets up to the microphone and just starts sharing her testimony. It was pretty funny, she started out well with, " I am a child of God and I love him, I love my Mom and Dad, and I love to come to church... ( at this time the teachers are all looking at each other like umm should we stop her, and yes they should have because her testimony took at turn right then) ... but I mostly love my care bears, and babies. And please bless that we can go to Disneyland and that I can be a butterfly, mermaid, and a princess for Halloween. Amen." So near the end of her little testimony her teacher was whispering to her what to say. Hailey would not say what her teacher wanted her to until she was done with what she had to say. But at least she ended it with a shorter version of what she was supposed to say. "President Mmmmm had kids, I think 3 of them."
Oh yeah and one more thing, we went to she RSL soccer game in the new stadium. I was tonz of fun!

Oh my gosh!! I love it!! You know you need to take her to Disney Land now, right? She has a testimony of it!!
Let me know when you guys come down again. Ellie loved playing with Haylie and she was hoping she would see her today, but I'm glad you went to the primary program, look what you would have missed out on!!
ohhhh my!!! wish that i was back in the ward for that! that is the funniest thing i have heard in a long time. lov you...why havent we got together yet?
I loved hearing Haylie yesterday! I was glad she repeated from the practice so we could all see and hear! It was kinda fun to watch you two turn bright red too! Cute girl.
Wow, Bruce got his call I didn't even know he put in his papers!! Way to go Bruce. I love the pic of the game! Thank you for going, it was fun. Also I think that was great that you had a family party, thank you for putting on the pic of your moms parents. They are cute.
Your daughter is so cute! That is the funniest story I have ever heard. Ilove it!
Hailey is so funny! I am curious to see what Max does next week. We've practiced his part a few times and then he all of a sudden said he didn't need help and had the whole thing memorized.
I think you guys should come out here and go to Disney World with us. It's only 4 hours away!
That is cute that Hailey tries to speak Spanish to your grandparents. Can't wait to see you all soon. Hope Bub had a great Bday!
Hi Danielle! I'm so glad you found my blog. I haven't see you guys for so long. We're living in Omaha. Josh is in Pharmacy School (finally!). I can't believe how big Hailey is. She's so cute! I hope you guys are doing great. I love the pictures on your blog!
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