So I guess it's the middle of May. What have we been up to? Well, here are a few pictures of what has been going on.

It has been warming up so we went with some friends to go feed the ducks at first dam. Those ducks are really brave, they ate bread right out of Hailey's hand.

Bub's parents came to visit for graduation. Here is Hailey making sure Grandpa Tom is all taken care of.

Hailey has expanded her talent of cutting hair from not only her hair but Cocco's hair! Yep that is coco's fur on the carpet.

We went to our first Real Soccer game this year and then Hailey went and had a sleep over with the Whites.

Hailey had her dance recital yesterday. She did such a good job and was supper excited that her Dad brought her some flowers.

Yeah, the day has come. Bub graduated from Utah State University with honors!!!! I'm so proud of you Bub, you have worked so hard for this day to come! Good Job!

Awww, what a smart and handsome guy!
Nice work, Bub! Congrats! Let us know about medical school. I still wish you would of interviewed at Creighton. I loved the picture of the dog and his new haircut!
Hailey looks so cute all dressed up for dance. I wish I wasn't such an idiot and forgot about it!
Congratulations again Bub!! Way to go!!! Hailey is so brave to let the ducks eat right out of her hand. My kids would be running the other way!
That is so funny that she cut the dog's hair!
Way to go Bub! And nice work on the flowers for are training her well as to what to expect from men! I wish you all the best in whatever the future holds for your adorable family. I'll keep checking for baby updates!!!
Way to go, Bub!
We are so proud of you! You get to relax for a day now.
The flowers - nice touch!
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