Mia had just finished her bath when I told Hailey to hop into the bath. I got Mia dressed and then went to supervise Hailey and this is what I found. One big baby in the baby bath! Hailey absolutely refused to get out of the baby bath. She stayed in there for 45 min. I could only get Hailey out once I told her that Mia peed in the baby bath. He he! It worked!

Mia is so calm in the tub and loves when we wash her hair.

My girls in their PJ's. Now to get them to sleep. What a trick!

I had to take this picture of Mia. Turns out all of the girls in our family sleep like this including me!

Wow, I love these girls so much! I took Mia to her two week old Dr. appointment and guess what? She is now 7 lbs 10 0z. and she has grown 1/2 inch. Baby steps!
We really have not been up to much lately. We just stay home, hang out, and try to keep thing under control. It is like 2pm before we are even ready to think about leaving our home. Props to all you moms out there. You are all amazing, it takes a lot of hard work to be a Mom. I'm trying to learn how to take care of my two girls and every day feels like I've started back at square one, but I sure am enjoying my time with them. I love you Hailey and Mia!
O my, I did think little Mia could get any cuter, but she has. Wow you are one lucky mom. I love all the pic that you have posted with your girls. and good job thinking about Mia peeing in the tub, hahah.
Thank you so much again for our family pics, we are very happy to have them and they will be fathers/grandfathers days gifts, so thank you again!
Sometimes a little white lie isn't so bad, right? I bet Hailey is being a great help with Mia.
I am amazed you are trying to go anywhere- even if it is 2:00. You should still be okay taking it easy at home for a while! Cute girls!
I'm sure Hailey just wanted to know how it felt to be little again. The way I remember - you were always in Bruce's crib.
Mia is just too cute and it looks like she is starting to get a little bigger! YEAH!!!
When I opened this up I laughed SOOOO hard! HAiley is so cute and soooo funny!
We are having fun here in WI but EVERYONE we run into Jonas tells them all about his BEAUTIFUL cousin Hailey!!
That is the funniest thing ever. She looks pretty determined in the pictures. Mia is so beautiful. Jonny and I are coming home in a week. Maybe wee can get together with you guys. We would love to see you.
Thomas and I got a good laugh out of Hailey. We miss you so much and miss Hailey coming into our place all the time :) Good luck next week in Vegas. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
holy crap hay is huge!
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