The other day we were all in the Jeep going for a canyon drive when Hailey asked if we eat horses? When we responded "no", she got concerned about the ladybugs that live in the grass that the hoses eat. Of course everyone knows ladybugs are so smart and fly away to another pasture while the horses are eating grass. Anyway then she started to cry and said that she doesn't want to eat animals anymore. We asked her why and she said that she just wants all of the animals to live. Anyway, we tried to drop the subject when she stated, "Hey, Mom, Dad, did you know that fish are not animals anymore so we can only eat then okay."
So the other night we had BBQ chicken (as far as Hailey knows- BBQ fish) The other day we went to Wendy's and had a hamburger-I mean a fish burger. Hopefully this is just a stage and she will get over it soon:)
She makes some of the same faces as Hailey did! So cute.
Smart thinking on the fishburger!
They really do look so much a like! You are very talented those pictures are so beautiful! I love this vegitarian thing it makes me laugh so hard. She has such a tender heart
that is so funny!
I just browsing and found your blog, your girls are so cute and congrats on the new one!
Love the pictures. Hope we get to see you guys sometime in the next few months. You are so good at writing the cute things Hailey says. I need to start doing that more with my kids.
hayley and me have the same brain apparenlty cause we like climbing and not eating animals and are concerned for their safty, or she just talked with me too much i donno
How could you not take a million pictures. She is absolutely adorable!
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