My pictures are out of order woops!

Bub had his 28th birthday! Hailey loves parties and she was so excited to pick Diego party hats and soccer plates. Bub got a fun game called Blockous! We play it a couple times a week.

Mia's first time eating food. She was such a mess but it was so cute to watch her try to eat.

Mia was supposed to be taking a nap when the phone rang and I went to get it. I came back to my room and found this. Hailey immediately said, "Mom don't worry, I'm just being a good big sister." I love that she got a wipe and put it on Mia's head. She is my little nurse in training.

Bub is not a cake kind of a guy. But really, you can not have a birthday without cake. So, we got him a little piece and the three of our shared it with a lot of ice cream.
i love that the candles say clever! happy birthday to bub anyhow!!! hope that he doesn't feel too old, cuz we are already there. sorry that we werent able to enjoy it with you.
i must say that i have missed you! i saw a car drive by the other day that looked like yours and it made me sad. i thought thats the longneckers and then...thought again and was sad. also i am throwing a party in a couple of weeks that is fashion stuff that is all 15$ and cheaper and i though about how you would love all of the stuff and then i got sad. so just so you know YOU ARE MISSED!
I love that she was sucking out Mia's nose! haha. Again I'm SO sorry about Thurs. I AM glad that you didn't bring them over because Jake has RSV and I would have died if Mia caught it! He's had it for a week now though so maybe he'll be better in time for us to do something this next week!
I love the quote below! So funny! Happy B-day Bub!
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