Our little Hailey is five and not so little anymore. She is a kid- nothing toldler about her. She can even carry Mia while standing up. Hailey goes to Preschool, is always on the go, and makes us smile and laugh every day!
Happy Birthday Hailey!
Fun at the kids museum!
Hailey and some kids from her preschool went to a nursing home and sang some holiday tunes. The kids wore these cute elf hats that they made. Hailey is a lover! She loves everyone and everything- which is why she says she does not eat animals (except fish)! So, naturally Hailey gave hugs to a bunch of the elderly and told them Merry Christmas!

Hailey wanted to go to Chucky Cheese for her birthday! So we partied it up with Chucky Cheese, with Hailey's cousins and aunt and uncle. We all had so much fun, but I think Bub and his brother Ryan had the most fun there!
Making birthday wishes!
We went to Utah for Christmas and we had so much fun! We made gingerbread houses, went to see the Salt Lake Temple lights, went to Timp Temple, hung out with friends, went to a family reunion, went to a concert, and had a wonderful
white Christmas!

The girls in there new PJ's and Bub on Christmas Eve!

"Hailey, is that Santa"s foot steps?" Oh yes, it is! The footsteps are made of "special snow". It never melts!:)

So fun yet sooooooooo cold! Hailey was so tired and kept falling asleep so did what we had to and bungee cord her to the stroller. It was pretty funny!

I loved having a white Christmas but wow, we froze in Utah! I never remember it being so cold in Utah. Thank goodness we were not in Logan! We went to see the Salt Lake Temple lights with my family and Liza's boy. My Mom is taking the picture.
Long lost friends together again!
We had a family gathering on the Wilson side of my family. Hailey and Jonas got to play together again and it was so fun to watch these two just pick up and play as if they have never missed a day playing together. Hailey misses Jonas so much and she had so much fun sledding, playing games, and of course being silly and crazy with Jonas!
I love this picture too. My Dad and Mia! Mia loved playing Peek-a-boo with my Dad over Christmas. She would laugh her belly laugh, it was so funny!
Fun times! Love the footprints in the snow that you guys always do. Kate just walked in and said (pointing to Mia) "Who is that?" I said "It's baby Mia" She said, "Oh she is growing up!" Wish we could see you. Maybe this summer.
We loved hanging out with you guys again!! Ellie loved playing with Hailey and Rio.
We miss you guys a ton, but we're always happy to see you....maybe the saying "absence makes the heart grow stronger" is actually true!! :P
Happy birthday to Hailey! You've got some pretty cute girls! Sounds like you had a really great Christmas. Hope things are going well!
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