The night before school started Hailey was feeling so anxious. It was kind of cute, I have never seen her so nervous about anything, but she was nervous about a lot of things related to school. She said she heard that 1st grad teachers are mean, she was scared she wouldn't know anyone, she was scared of getting lost at the school because now she is with the big kids. The poor girl's imagination was definitely working overtime. Bub gave Hailey a blessing that night, the next morning was uneventful and she made it to the bus with no problems. I thought about Hailey all day, wondered what she was doing at certain times of the day, I hoped she was happy. Then, 330 rolled around and I waited for the bus to drop her off. Hailey was so happy, she had the biggest smile on her face and said, "Mom, I was wrong, 1st grade is was better than Kindergarten!"
...And mama was just as anxious - putting her child into a bus that takes kids away. What do they do with them?while at home mama cannot focus on anything - cannot think, cannot eat...what if?
Poor mamas!
She looks so cute on her first day of school! I love her ponytail!! We need to get her and Asher together more..
Can't believe how big she's getting! Glad to hear things are going well. If you have any tips for abandoned wives of med/dental students, let me know! :) And next time you're in Utah, I might have to schedule a picture session for us. We need some family pics pretty bad! :)
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