Monday, May 5, 2008


Just a quick story. Hailey likes to cut pieces of paper. She brought be a tiny piece that she had cut so small and she was so proud. I mentioned how it was so little and she responded, "Yep Mom, just like baby Rio."


Shannon said...

Umm, Who's baby Rio. Are you making an announcement?????

Gowdies said...

Seriously. . . who's baby Rio? Exciting news maybe?

Danielle said...

No No No no announcement. Sorry to get you all excited. Our friends have a little baby named Rio. I should have explained more. :)

Katy said...

Hailey is SO cute!! I want to get Ellie and Hailey together so they can play. Ellie has the picture of the three of them hanging in her room (BTW, I totally spaced it, but a while ago you asked for a family picture...I'm going to get some copies of our recent photo shoot, and I'll send one to you).

Oh, and I was cracking up about the announcement probing, but only because I have done the same thing to you!! :D

The Jensens said...

Yes, I thought this was an announcement too. Oh and Danielle, of course I don't think it's wierd that you are checking out my blog, I love it! I'm the kind of person that will ALWAYS care about people who have been in my life. Once a friend, ALWAYS a friend in my book. :0) We all have different journey's to travel so we don't always travel along with our friends, but just as you said things have imprinted in your mind, they have imprinted in my mind as well! Thank you for your encouragment. I guess we are all strong/weak at different times in our lives!

Brooke said...

I was hoping baby Rio was an announcement too--you had better keep us informed when the big news does come!

Jonny and Amber said...

I thought with age you'd get better looking but I am totally wrong! So, Rachel ( my college friend) introduced me to blogspots, yea, I know I am way behind, anyways, I found you! My mom told me she talked to you and your beautiful wife a couple of weeks ago. I hope Danielle's dad is doing well. I am coming home in the middle of June so maybe we can get together. My cell phone number is still the same. I enjoyed seeing all of your pictures. I can't believe how big you baby is! She is so beautiful. Talk to you soon!
Amber (BER)
P.S. No, I do not have a blogspot.