Monday, June 15, 2009

We are made of Engines!

Me: Hailey what did you learn about at church?
Hailey: about falling apart
Me: following a part?
Hailey: No, falling apart, you know like the song
Me: what song?
Hailey: we're all made of engines cause everything bends from the top of my head way down to my ends. Or else you will crack. You know, that song.
Bub: Hailey it's hinges. Hinges let things bend and move.
Hailey: I know Dad, engines make things move like what the cars have.


Thomas, Jesi, and Greyson said...

Haha oh my gosh what a silly girl. I got your announcement today. The pictures turned out so good and adorable! Your so talented.

Charee B Mcclellan said...

ditto your last comment on hailey and on your are awesome! it was good seeing you for a minute the other night.