Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to Life, Back to reality!

Bub has been back to school for 1 month now. We, the girls, have been trying to adjust to not seeing his face around so much. The cutest moments I have ever seen, are when Bub is home and his girls just run to him for hugs and cuddles. The first year of medical was nothing compared to what the second year has brought. I have always heard about the second year just being a killer, but know we are living it and I'm glad it is Bub in school not me :) We love ya Babe! Supposedly after this year it gets much better, so we shall see.

Now my baby is in school! That is right- Hailey is in a full-day kindergarten where she is learning Spanish as well. Life is so crazy! The other night Bub gave Hailey a School blessing because she was super nervous. After her blessing she was excited to make new friends and started to draw pictures to hand out to all of her new friends at school. It was cute! So the first day of school came and Hailey missed the bus, I figured I would just drive her to school, after all it was her first day. My dang car keys were no where to be found- my keys are always hiding. So I called Bub and he left school to take Hailey to her first day, which made Hailey super proud and happy to have her Dad with her!

Now I'm at home with Mia and when she is napping, well........
........................................I just think-Am I really 27 years old, I thought I just got married. Right?


the McLaughlin's said...

If it helps your lonely times at all, Bry took a new job and is traveling a lot. So when you are feeling like a single parent, who is not in fact a single parent, just know in good old Logan Utah there is a girl feeling your pain. By the way your girls look SO big and darling!

Melissa said...

I love the 1st day of kindergarten story.. It doesn't get much better than that:) It was good seeing you this week. Lets play more!!

Charee B Mcclellan said...

ahhh, life has changed for you hasnt it?? It sounds like things are good though. So great! Love you