Thursday, November 1, 2012

This is Halloween

 Our Halloween celebrating lasted about 2 weeks.  Hailey's school had an amazing Trunk-or-Treat and we signed up to decorate our car and hand out candy.  Hailey had an amazing time with her friends, The Ryan girls and enjoyed all the festivities while Mia and I passed out the candy.  Mia thought she was pretty cool and kept saying, "This is so fun!"
 There was a Trunk-or-Treat, a Haunted house, and DJ and dancing party, (Hailey was chosen to go on stage-pretty exciting for that girl), bounce houses, and an art n' crafts room.  Bub missed out on this because he was at his very first OBGYN Residency Interview in Michigan- Yay!  It was a good day for everyone.  After the party we went to the airport to pick Bub up and we were still dressed in our costumes.  Funny thing- we didn't really stand out because lots of people dress crazy in Vegas.
 Mia was Minni Mouse and Hailey was The Little Mermaid.  We had a fun ward Trunk-or-Treat, with Chilli and activities.  Hailey's mermaid costume did not make it through the night.
 Mia had a fun Halloween party with some kids from the ward.
 Bub was with us all day on Halloween and it was awesome.  We took Mia to a Rec Center Halloween morning with some friends to do some trick-or-treating and to play on bounce houses.  I love this picture of Bub and Mia.  I think they really do look alike.

 Melynda, Hailey, and I, hanging out on Halloween. I love these girls, we have done our time here in Henderson together and I am sad to think that it is going to come to and end in a couple of months.  I wish we could all do residency right next door to each other.  This is our 4th Halloween in Henderson and I still feel confused by the weather.  It is fun and odd at the same time to wear shorts and flip flops as you take the kids out that day.  I sure do love the Fall weather!  I
Hailey became a black cat after her mermaid costume come to an end.  Mia sang, "this is Halloween, this is Halloween, halloween, halloween," all day.


Charee B Mcclellan said... cute! love all these pics! mia changes looks in these pics as well. one looks like you, the other just like hailey..and so forth. I had never seen it before! super duper cute.

hailey said...

I love your posts Danielle! I hate getting teary while I read them but oh well.:) Also I had no idea you got 5th place in the race!!! You are an inspiration to me. Can you teach me how to swim now? Love you Danielle!

tere said...

It looks like the girls had so much fun! They are so cute.