Sunday, November 9, 2008

I Hate commercials!

Hailey has found out that her birthday is getting closer and is really really excited for it. The bad part- all of the sudden every commercial that comes one whether it is for a boy, girl, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, pets..... she says " I want that for my birthday." Yeah it was cute at first but she says it after every commercial. The best is when a commercial came on for dentures, you know the glue that keeps peoples dentures in yeah, she wants that for her birthday. Just putting some ideas out there!


Shannon said...

Well then maybe you should give her some and then she'll realize that everything is not as exciting as it seems on TV. haha. She's a funny little thing.

The Bradley Family said...

ha ha ha! you an me both! commercials are the worst thing right now. jonas and hailey have both said they wanted diapers for their birthdays! The best was the other day when there was some barbie commercial on and Hailey said Jonas you should get that for you birthday so i can play with it when I come over. I laughed so hard I couldn't stop. hailey is just too cute for words!

Jennie Z said...

That is so funny. Max does the same thing, only now he has moved on to "I want that for Christmas." I jsut default and say "Put it on your list and ask Santa." He 'll probably be disappointed when he doesn't get everything! We are excited to be around for Hailey's birthday!