Sunday, March 15, 2009

During our car ride-
Hailey: Mom, when you have your baby are you going to say ouch?
Me: Ummm, probably.
Hailey: Oh, well I don't want to be there okay.
Me: Sounds good to me! Hailey do know how mommy's baby is going to get out of her belly?
Hailey: Ya, you going to sneeze really hard and it will pop out of your belly button and you will say ouchy.
Me: hmmmm, sounds about right!

Yes, I know this could have been a great teaching experience, but I don't even like to think about it. So, sneezing and having a baby pop out sound great to me!


Charee B Mcclellan said...

ohh yay...sounds good to me also! soo funny.

Shannon said...

I like the idea of that. Hope mine pops out that way.

Jennie Z said...

So funny. If only it were so simple!