Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's hard to tell the truth.

Bub and I thought that during family scripture time yesterday we should talk with Hailey, (and Mia but she does not really listen,) about telling the Truth vs. Lying. Hailey girl tells little lies all day long. They don't hurt anyone, I think she tells them for shock value when telling stories-haha she is a funny girl. Anyway after a good 10 min talk we thought she totally had telling the truth down pat. The end of our conversation went like this......
Me: Heavenly Father always knows if you are telling the truth or not.
Hailey: Yeah, cause HE sees everything that happens; just like Santa, the elves, and Leprechauns.

Conclusion-I guess the TRUTH can be confusing when your Mom and Dad tell you that Santa's elves are always watching:)

Hailey has learned about fiction vs. Non-fiction. Last night she wanted to tell us the story of Jona and the Whale. The story started with Once upon a time...... and ended with "Jona lived happily every after.

Oh man, this girl makes me laugh every day!


Kirby and Tara Farnsworth said...

I love to hear these kind of stories! Thanks for sharing! they brightened my day!

Charee B Mcclellan said...

haa haa, love this! super cute

Samuel Wilson said...

hahaha thats so funny!!! i love hailey!!