Sunday, March 10, 2013

Clinton Township, Michigan

Bub and I have been waiting for a long time to find out where our future may take us and what kind of work Bub will be doing as a doctor in the future.  The time has come.  The DO Match happened earlier this month and we have great news.  Bub matched into the Henry-Ford Macomb OB/GYN Residency Program in Clinton Township, Michigan.  

I am so happy and relieved to know that Bub will get to do the work he wants to do.  Bub can work crazy hours and be super tired when he is doing OB/GYN rotations but he always comes home happy  and talks about how cool everything was that he got to do.   Some things do not sound to exciting to me but Bub, loves it all.  I'm glad he gets to be happy and do what he wants to do.

On top of this great news we have some good friends, The Bruner's, who got into the exact same program.  Bub and his friend get to run around the hospital, work like crazy, never sleep, deliver babies and all that comes with this specialty, and they get to do it together!  While I am excited for both of them, I am even more excited that we will know someone who lives there.  Someone we trust and love.  If we are moving far from family and life as we know it, we are super blessed to get to go with our friends.  It is a sweet gift from heaven.

There are so many little things to work out before we make the move to the Midwest with our family.  At times I am overwhelmed with so many different emotions. I'm excited, I'm sad, I'm anxious, I'm glad.  I worry about being far away from family.  I worry about my Mom and truthfully about me not having her close by.  I'm scared to death the 1st year of residency is going to eat us alive.  I'm going to miss our life here in Henderson.  It has the some of the sweetest memories of our lives.  Our little girls grew up a lot here, they started school here, they were little here.  Henderson will always be a good memory.  I have to remember I was scared to move to Clark county and now I see the huge blessing it has been in our lives.  It wasn't always easy or the healthiest of times but it was amazing times for our family.  I know that Michigan will be the same.  I am scared to go there, but I know it is where the Lord wants us to be.  So, we will go and we will be happy and it will be a sweet time and sweet memories as well.   The thought I have most often, is to have faith in my Heavenly Father and fear not.  So easy to say, but something to I need to practice for life. I am now putting this practice to life.  

I daydream about the changes that will occur for our family of four and the possibility of these changes happening in our future. I'm grateful to know we are not alone and that heaven is near.  Heavenly Father has a plan for us all and we are ready for it.

Yay- here is to our adventure of life!

1 comment:

hailey said...

I love you Danielle! You are such a great example. The people in Michigan will be so blessed to have you in their lives, just as I have been. You friendship the past four years is one of my greatest blessings and I will miss you too much. I know you will be happy there though!!