Monday, January 12, 2009

Boy or Girl?

Bub, Hailey and I went to the OB/GYN to have an ultrasound done. It was so cool to get to see our baby moving around. Hailey loved to figure out what we were looking at whether it was and arm, leg, or foot. Then we got to the baby's face- and she lost it! Apparently she did not think it looked like a baby's face. It needed a bottle and a Binky! She kept on asking me if I was okay and she let me know she thinks we should get "that" out of my belly now! The next morning, Hailey woke up and said, " I know what's in your belly, it's a spider."

We decided to not find out if we are having a boy or girl! We are excited to be surprised as long as it is not a spider!


Gowdies said...

OH, How fun! Congratulations by the way!!!! We are only a few weeks apart. I only wish I looked like you when I am pregnant!

The Bradley Family said...

wow that just explained more than you know. :)

Good for you for not finding out, it's so exciting to have the surprise at the end!!!

The White's said...

I hope you don't have a spider too. I think this baby will be FINE, because it will have 2 moms!

Katy said...

You are strong...I'm not good with surprises!! I have to know EVERYTHING!! Although if you were having a spider...well, I guess I would rather have it be a surprise. I definitely don't want to fret about one of those coming out!!

Jennie Z said...

That is so funny that she was freaked out! Next time maybe she should get left with a babysitter. Hopefully she'll be pleasantly surprised when the baby is born!

Jennie Z said...

By the way.... Kate and I got bumped from our flight and stayed an extra day in Utah. We ran into Kory at the airport coming back from Hawaii. Long story, but we ended up at Kory's all day last Monday. Kate kept asking where Hailey was too. She also thinks Haliey must live there!