Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who is LDS in Las Vegas?

If any of you want to find out who is LDS in Las Vegas, well all you have to do is borrow Hailey and take her to the store with you.
I took the girls to Target ( a nicely air conditioned building) and Hailey started singing "I am a child of God" at the top of her lungs. I was trying to get her to quiet down as people were looking at us really weird. Then some nice lady with some kids of her own smiled at me and said, " Oh how cute, she must be in Primary." It was kind of weird how reassuring it was to know that that lady was LDS too and that she thought Hailey's singing in a store was cute instead of odd like the others who were annoyed by the loud singing.

1 comment:

Jennie Z said...

My kids have done that too. I just consider it missionary work! Maybe someone will start asking you questions!