Thursday, June 7, 2012

Catcing up to Real Life

 Bub got to go to San Diego for a conference and he asked if the girls and I wanted to tag along.  Of course we wanted to go!
 We played......
 and played....
 and played some more.
 We felt so free and alive just playing together all day long in the sun, sand, and water.
 Hailey was my water baby.  She begged me to go deep in the water over and over and over.  She finally got to go deep enough in the water with her Dad at our last day on the beach. 
 This is Mia's face of complete contentment.  I only have one other picture of Mia with this happy face- I love happy girls!
 Bub got to coach Hailey's soccer team this past season.  It was a lot of work but a lot of fun!  I know Hailey loved having her Dad as the coach.  Special times!

 A San Diego trip would not be complete with out a trip to Sea World. 
 I am so glad we got to go to Sea World.  The girls were in heaven, everything was so magical to them.
 Mia loved these turtles.  She was trying to swim just like them.
 We got to go to Sea World for 2 days.  The first day it was just me and the girls so we decided we would get to the big Shamu show early and sit in the 2nd row, THE SPLASH ZONE!
 Just Chillin

 Oh yes, we were wet, very wet and our lips tasted like Salt Water all day.

 My Mia is now 3 Years old.  She tells me she is big like my size everyday.  I'm so glad to have her in our family.  I sure love this girl!

 Bub was able to have time away from school things and come and play with us.  Our time with him was awesome.
 We went on a lighthouse tour.  It was pretty cool except all I could see was ocean.  I'll be honest, I was scared-we were at the edge of land which is pretty scary, right?

 This was our second day at Sea World with Bub, we did not get wet this time.
 This was Mia's favorite animal by far.  She loved the  Polar Bear and growled like it the rest of the day.
 Happy Days and Happy Times.  One night we all went for a walk in our PJ's.  Our hotel was on a little island so we went for a walk by the bay and we got to be surprised by a group of whales hanging out.  It was amazing- we sat on a bench, ate a yummy desert, cuddled and listened to the whales.  It was a great night we will never forget. 


The White's said...

Wow, that sounds like an extra extra awesome trip. I'm so glad you went with Bub. Plus i'm totally glad you got 2 days at sea world. I also think Mia is big like you. ;-) I sure love your girls! !

tere said...

How fun! I'm so glad you gut to go as a family. These are the memories that will last forever. Why ask the Lord for more...this is grand already. sweet, sweet family.

Chelsi said...

What a fun trip! The beach pics with the girls are super cute!