Saturday, October 6, 2012

So we remember how cute they are!

     Mia was a tired girl as we drove home from her dance class.  She was getting upset that we were not home yet and telling me to go faster.  I let her know that there was a car in front of us and I couldn't  go any faster than I already was.  Then Mia said, " Mom,  get some big wings and put them on our car so we can just fly over that slow car and get home."  Me: " Mia, where would I go get wings for our car from?"  Mia, "Well, you could go to Walmart  or Winco.  Haha, this girl knows her stores!

     A few days ago, Hailey asked me if girls can go on missions.  I told her yes and she was so excited.  Then today on the way to her soccer game she said, "Mom, Dad, will it be okay with you guys if when I grow up I can go teach the gospel in Jerusalem?"  Being a missionary just will not leave her mind.  So we taught her about how you get called for a mission.  She thought that was pretty disappointing, because what if Heavenly Father doesn't want her to go to Jerusalem. Then Hailey came home from school and she was telling me that her teacher had them take out her white boards and to write down what they want to be when they grow up.  Hailey said, " Mom, I really wanted to put down a Veterinarian but really I just want to be a missionary.  So I wrote missionary instead.  Love this girl!

Good news Hailey.  You can go on a mission when you are 19 now!

1 comment:

tere said...

I'm glad you are recording this. They are so precious! I wish I could see Hailey's teachers face when she reads that.