Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tag You Are It!

I have been tagged by my sister-in-law! I am supposed to come up with six habits that I find myself doing. So, here I go...

1. I love projects! Bub would be supprised if he came home one day and I wasn't up to some sort of project. I know I get this from my Mom . I have a friend who ownes a wood shop, so we are always thinking of stuff to make. I'm always moving furniture in our apartment around and changing colors in different rooms. So of course I really appreaciated my Micheal's gift card from Tom and Sandra. Thank You!

2. I love to watch Hailey when she has no clue I am around. She is almost always in her own little world, pretending she is wearing amazing pricess dresses. Watching her makes me smile. Sometimes we will be playing and I'll tell her I have to go and do something just so I can turn around and watch her play make-believe. It's cute.

3. I always have to have something sweet before I go to bed. Bad habit I know, but really it makes me happy!

4. I love to scrapbook. It takes me so long to get all my scrapbook stuff out and organize that by the time I get it all out, my will to scrapbook is gone. Then I put it all away so the little one around here does not get in to it. So really I guess I should say it's habit for me to get my scrapbook stuff out and never do anything with it.

5. I love take hot and I mean hot showers, especially in the winter. Sometimes I take two a day. Habit!

6. I guess I dance whenever any music is on. This includes in odd places like during a movie at the theaters, resturants, nice bathrooms that play music in them, elevators, etc...


Brooke said...

Ha! Ha! That's the Danielley that I LOVE! I, too, spy on Britton when he's playing...and I can never EVER scrapbook anything...for the exact same reasons as you!!!

Jennie Z said...

I am with you on the scrapbooking thing. By the time the kids are finally asleep, it takes too much effort to get it all out and get started!

Shelly & Danny said...

Hey! I was excited to get your message today! Looks like you guys are doing really well :) Congrats on graduating, isn't it such a great feeling! Keep us updated, we will have to get together and do dinner soon! Danny says hi too! Our blog address is


Jennie Z said...

Love your new blog look!